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2012 – Where Things Come Back, by John Corey Whaley

January 23, 2012

In the remarkable, bizarre, and heart-wrenching summer before Cullen Witter’s senior year of high school, he is forced to examine everything he thinks he understands about his small and painfully dull Arkansas town. His cousin overdoses; his town becomes absurdly obsessed with the alleged reappearance of an extinct woodpecker; and most troubling of all, his sensitive, gifted fifteen-year-old brother, Gabriel, suddenly and inexplicably disappears.

Meanwhile, the crisis of faith spawned by a young missionary’s disillusion in Africa prompts a frantic search for meaning that has far-reaching consequences. As distant as the two stories initially seem, they are woven together through masterful plotting and merge in a surprising and harrowing climax.

This extraordinary tale from a rare literary voice finds wonder in the ordinary and illuminates the hope of second chances.

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2 Comments leave one →
  1. October 3, 2012 2:25 pm

    Just a bit too weird for me. And boring. Still, well-written (of course):

  2. March 18, 2013 5:41 pm

    This was a shocker for the win. I wrote a good review about the book a year ago, but my memory of the book has faded in the past year. Hmm. read the review and see what you think.

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